Red-tailed Hawk

Pop-up Event

Fall Raptor Watch
Mines of Spain Cedar Ridge Viewing Platform

Sunday, 9/22/24
9:30 AM – 2 PM

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Fall raptor migration typically kicks into high gear the 3rd week of September, bringing large kettles of Broad-Winged Hawks (some as large as 300-800 birds!) and other birds of prey.  Join Dubuque Audubon as we view and count hawks, falcons, eagles, and vultures from the Prairie Ridge viewing platform. 

To access the platform, park at the Cedar Ridge parking lot at the south entrance to Mines of Spain and hike a short distance back to the platform.  Come and go as you please.  Expect ebbs and flows of migrant birds.  Binoculars are recommended.  This event is free and open to the public.